Category: CurrentNews

In Memory of George Floyd

Unity Care NW’s vision is that “Everyone has the opportunity to live their healthiest life.” Our mission is “To increase the years of healthy life in the people and communities we serve.”
We cannot achieve these aims without talking about and confronting implicit bias, systematic oppression, outright racism, and other “isms” that make up the “underlying conditions” that our patients and individuals in our community confront.
Our hearts break at the loss of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and the countless others who have lost their lives to violence and injustice. Health care is not a spectator sport, nor is it a place to get comfortable and accept the present state as the way things “should” or need to be.
Unity Care NW is committed to courage and action rather than avoidance and silence as we continue to work for and with our patients and our community to address and resolve the inequities that impede health and shorten lives.  We do not pretend to be experts in this work. We acknowledge that it is not easy work and it will likely cause discomfort.
Abraham Lincoln said “The best way to predict your future is to create it.”  We may not be able to change things in Minneapolis, southern Georgia, or northern Kentucky, but we commit ourselves to applying our passion, resources, expertise, and – yes, for many of us – our unearned privilege, to create a different future for our patients, our organization, and our community.